How the plan works
How the plan works for the EAP
Private and confidential
EAP professional counselors are located away from your workplace location, and ComPsych does not reveal to the company the names of or reasons for individuals seeking EAP assistance. Unless your supervisor identifies and discusses with you a situation where EAP benefits would be beneficial, you tell others, or the law requires disclosure, no one at the company will know that you are using the program. In situations involving real or potential harm to individuals (for example, child abuse cases or direct threats of violence against a person), laws require that certain notifications be made. EAP counselors will comply with these laws and disclose required information.
Professional counselors
ComPsych makes available the counseling and referral services offered by EAP through a network of credentialed, licensed clinicians with expertise in areas such as: adolescents and children, anxiety disorders and depression, domestic violence, marriage and families, stress management, and substance abuse.
No charge for EAP services
Many problems can be resolved in just a few sessions with an experienced counselor. EAP may provide you or your eligible family members with up to eight sessions in a calendar year for each issue.
If you need more counseling sessions than are provided under EAP - or if you need services that are not provided by EAP - the EAP counselor will refer you to outside services. If the EAP counselor determines that more intense services are needed, you may be immediately referred to an appropriate mental health provider. The cost of the additional or outside services is not covered under EAP.