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Eligibility and enrollment

Eligibility and enrollment details for the Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Most U.S. dollar-paid employees of Exxon Mobil Corporation and participating affiliates are eligible for EAP. See eligible employees in the Key terms section. Your eligible family members may also participate. Coverage is automatic; you do not enroll.

Generally, you are eligible if:

Eligible family members

Eligible family members are generally your:

  • Spouse, 
  • A child who is described in any one of the following paragraphs (1) through (3):
    1. has not reached the end of the month during which age 26 is attained, or
    2. is totally and continuously disabled and incapable of self-sustaining employment by reason of mental or physical disability, provided the child:
    3. (a) meets the Internal Revenue Service's definition of a dependent, and

      (b) was covered as an eligible family member under this Plan immediately prior to age 26 when the child's eligibility would have otherwise ceased, and

      (c) met the clinical definition of totally and continuously disabled before age 26 and continues to meet the clinical definition through subsequent periodic reassessment reviews, or

    4. is recognized under a qualified medical child support order as having a right to coverage under this Plan.


  • A child aged 26 or over who was disabled but who no longer meets the requirements of paragraph two (2) above, ceases to be an eligible family member 60 days following the date on which the applicable requirement is not met.

Refer to Key terms for definitions of eligible family members, child, spouse and Qualified Medical Child Support Order.

When coverage begins

Generally, your coverage begins on your first day of employment. Family members are covered on the later of the date you begin employment or the date your family member meets the eligibility requirements.

When coverage ends

Coverage for you and/or your family members ends on the earliest of the following dates:

The last day of the month in which:

  • You terminate employment. Your employment is deemed to continue for purposes of this Plan until the end of the period during which you are:
    • Absent due to a leave of absence approved by your employer, or
    • Receiving short-term disability benefits under a disability income plan sponsored by the company.
  • The date:
    • You (as a covered employee or family member) are no longer eligible for benefits under this Plan.
    • Your employer discontinues participation in the Plan.
    • Your family member begins active duty in the armed forces of any country, state or international organization, or becomes a member of any civilian force auxiliary to any military force.
    • The Plan is terminated.
    • A Qualified Medical Child Support Order is no longer in effect for a covered family member.

Extended coverage at termination

You are entitled to extended coverage for as much as a year if you are terminated due to disability with fewer than 15 years of service. This coverage is provided at no cost to you. This is considered a portion of the COBRA continuation period. In order to continue coverage beyond this extension period, you must elect COBRA upon termination of employment.

Several conditions must be met:

  • The disability must exist when your employment terminates.
  • The extension lasts only as long as the disability continues, but no longer than 12 months.

This extension applies only to the employee who is terminated because of a disability. Continuation coverage for eligible family members may be available through COBRA.

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