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When coverage ends

Coverage for you and/or your family members ends on the earliest of the following dates:

The last day of the month in which:

  • You die,
  • A family member ceases to be eligible (for example, a child reaches age 26),
  • You become a suspended retiree,
  • You are no longer eligible for benefits under this Plan (e.g. as a surviving spouse, you re-marry),
  • You, as a retiree, or your eligible family member becomes eligible for Medicare and for the Medicare Primary Option,
  • Your former employer discontinues participation in the Plan,


The effective date:

  • You elect not to participate anymore (opt out)
  • You do not make any required contribution (see additional details and grace period in Cancellation and Reinstatement Process below),
  • You are rehired by Exxon Mobil Corporation after retirement as an employee or non-regular employee,
  • The ExxonMobil Retiree Medical Plan ends,
  • You enrolled an ineligible family member and in the opinion of the Administrator-Benefits, the enrollment was a result of fraud or a misrepresentation of a material fact.

You are responsible for ending coverage with the Benefits Service Center when your enrolled spouse or family member is no longer eligible for coverage. If you do not complete your change within 30 days for most changes in status (and 60 days in the case of divorce or if you, your spouse or your covered dependent gains or loses eligibility for Medicaid or Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) coverage, any contributions you make for ineligible family members will not be refunded.

Cancellation and Reinstatement Process

Cancellation of EMRMP due to non-payment of premiums:

Cancellations due to non-payment of plan premiums will be prospective, with a 3 month grace period starting 1st month of unpaid contributions, so participants may pay owed contributions within that grace period to avoid cancellation. For example, if retiree has not made payments for their January, February, and March premiums during that 3 month timeframe, coverage will be cancelled effective April 1.

How to Avoid Cancellation due to Nonpayment of Premiums

The ExxonMobil Benefits Service Center (EMBSC) offers the convenience of paying your benefits premiums through either direct debit or deduction from your monthly pension payment (if applicable). To set up either payment method, visit

Direct Debit: click on “Health & Welfare,” then on “More,” and lastly on “Update Premium Payment Information.”

Monthly Pension Payment Deduction: click on “Library,” then on “Documents & Forms,” then on “Forms,” and lastly on “Pension Deduction Authorization Form. Return your completed form to the shown address.

For assistance, call the EMBSC at 1-833-776-9966

Reinstatement of EMRMP:

Once your coverage has been terminated, you can request to be reinstated upon showing good cause.  The EMRMP (or its designee) will review requests for reinstatements on a case-by-case basis. If an individual has been involuntarily disenrolled for failure to pay plan premiums, they may request reinstatement no later than 60 calendar days following the effective date of disenrollment.

Reinstatement for good cause will occur only when:

  1. Reinstatement is requested no later than 60 calendar days following the effective date of disenrollment (in the example, 60 days from April 1)
  2. The individual has been determined to meet the criteria specified below (i.e., receives a favorable determination); and
  3. Within three (3) months of disenrollment for nonpayment of plan premiums, the individual pays in full the plan premiums owed at the time they were disenrolled (in the example, within 3 months from April 1).

If you fail to pay premiums within the grace period, your coverage is terminated, and you fail to show good cause, you and your eligible dependents will not have an opportunity to re-enroll at a future date in the EMRMP. You are still responsible for paying all owed premiums incurred during the grace period in which you were still part of the EMRMP.

Requests for reinstatement must be accompanied by a credible statement (verbal or written) explaining the unforeseen and uncontrollable circumstances causing the failure to make timely payment. An individual may make only one reinstatement request for good cause in the 60-day period. Generally, these circumstances constitute good cause:

  • A serious illness, institutionalization, and/or hospitalization of the member or their authorized representative (i.e. the individual responsible for the member’s financial affairs), that lasted for a significant portion of the grace period for plan premium payment;
  • Prolonged illness that is not chronic in nature, a serious (unexpected) complication to a chronic condition or rapid deterioration of the health of the member, a spouse, another person living in the same household, person providing caregiver services to the member, or the member’s authorized representative (i.e., the individual responsible for the member’s financial affairs) that occurs during the grace period for the plan premium payment;
  • Recent death of a spouse, immediate family member, person living in the same household or person providing caregiver services to the member, or the member’s authorized representative (i.e., the individual responsible for the member’s financial affairs); or
  • Home was severely damaged by a fire, natural disaster, or other unexpected event, such that the member or the member’s authorized representative was prevented from making arrangement for payment during the grace period for plan premium;
  • An extreme weather-related, public safety, or other unforeseen event declared as a Federal or state level of emergency prevented premium payment at any point during the plan premium grace period. For example, the member’s bank or U.S. Post Office closes for a significant portion of the grace period.

There may be situations in addition to those listed above that result in favorable good cause determinations. If an individual presents a circumstance which is not captured in the listed examples, it must meet the regulatory standards of being outside of the member’s control or unexpected such that the member could not have reasonably foreseen its occurrence, and this circumstance must be the cause for the non-payment of plan premiums. The Plan expects non-listed circumstances will be rare.

Examples of circumstances that do not constitute good cause include:

  • Allegation that bills or warning notices were not received due to unreported change of address, out of town for vacation, visiting out of town family, etc.;
  • Authorized representative did not pay timely on member’s behalf;
  • Lack of understanding of the ramifications of not paying plan premiums;
  • Could not afford to pay premiums during the grace period; or
  • Need for prescription medicines or other plan services.

The ExxonMobil Benefits Service Center is the appointed designee reviewing reinstatement requests and making good cause determinations

Loss of eligibility

Fraud against the Plan

Any act, practice, or omission by a Plan participant that constitutes fraud or an intentional misrepresentation of material fact is prohibited by the Plan, and the Plan may rescind coverage retroactively as a result.  Any such fraudulent statements, including on Plan enrollment forms and in electronic submissions, may invalidate any payment or claims for services and may be grounds for rescinding coverage. Everyone in your family may lose eligibility for Retiree Medical Plan coverage if you file claims for benefits to which you are not entitled. Coverage may also be terminated if you refuse to repay amounts erroneously paid by the Retiree Medical Plan on your behalf or that you recover from a third party. Additionally, coverage may be terminated if you fail to reimburse the Plan for any amount owed to the Plan, or if you receive and fail to report to the Claims Processor any discounts, write-offs, or other arrangements with providers that result in misrepresentation of your out-of-pocket costs. Your participation may be terminated if you fail to comply with the terms of the Retiree Medical Plan and its administrative requirements. You may also lose eligibility if you enroll persons who are not eligible, for instance, by covering children who do not meet the eligibility requirements. This includes failing to provide timely notification of when a covered family member loses eligibility, e.g., spouse loses coverage. Termination may be retro-active to the date of coverage.

In the event a retiree is rehired and is eligible for the ExxonMobil Medical Plan, the retiree and eligible family members are no longer eligible for the EMRMP and coverage is rescinded for all periods during which the retiree is employed. The rehired retiree and eligible family members will be enrolled retroactively in the EMMP until the earlier of failure to comply with the administrative requirements of the EMMP or re-employment ends. Any claims paid during such periods of employment under the EMRMP will be reprocessed under the EMMP.

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