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Savings Plan Account

ExxonMobil Savings Plan Account Information

You can have up to six accounts in the Savings Plan. These are referred to collectively as your Savings Plan Account. Your Savings Plan Account is made up of three non-Roth accounts and three Roth accounts.

The general contents of the non-Roth accounts in the Savings Plan are as follows:

  • The Before-Tax Account contains employee before-tax contributions (including non-Roth catch-up contributions made prior to Jan. 1, 2024) and any earnings on those contributions.
  • The After-Tax Account contains 1987-and-later employee after-tax contributions and any earnings on those contributions.
  • The General Account contains the company match, rollover contributions from non-Roth accounts in other eligible plans, and any earnings on the company match and/or such rollover contributions.

The general contents of the Roth accounts in the Savings Plan are as follows:

  • The Roth 401(k) Account contains employee Roth 401(k) contributions (including Roth catch-up contributions) and any earnings on those contributions.
  • The Roth Rollover Account contains rollover contributions from Roth accounts in other eligible plans (such as from former employers) and any earnings on those contributions.
  • The Roth Conversion Account contains assets you elect to convert from existing non-Roth accounts in the Savings Plan and any earnings on the converted amounts.

These accounts also contain funds from the former Exxon, Mobil, Paxon, AES, XTO, and Fuels Marketing savings plans. 



Before-Tax Account

  • Employee before-tax contributions, including non-Roth catch-up contributions made before 1/1/24
  • Additional funds
    • Mobil company contributions equal to 1% of eligible compensation for certain employees participating on 12/31/68
    • Mobil company contributions up to 2% of base pay for certain participants made between 2/1/90 and 12/31/98
  • Earnings

After-Tax Account

  • Post-1986 employee after-tax contributions, including special contributions
  • Additional funds
    • After-tax employee contributions from Mobil ESOP terminated in 1988
  • Earnings

General Account

  • Company match including company match provided in the form of stock prior to December 31, 2006
  • Rollover contributions from non-Roth accounts in other eligible plans
  • Additional funds
    • Pre-1987 after-tax contributions
    • Pre-2/1/90 Mobil company contributions
    • Stock from the former ExxonMobil Direct Dividend Account (DDA)
    • Post 1/31/1990 Mobil company ESOP contributions
  • Earnings

Roth 401(k) Account

  • Employee Roth 401(k) contributions, including Roth catch-up contributions
  • Earnings

Roth Rollover Account

  • Rollover contributions from Roth accounts in other eligible plans
  • Earnings

Roth Conversion Account

  • Assets you elect to convert from existing Savings Plan non-Roth accounts
  • Earnings

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