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Key terms

A list of key terms in the ExxonMobil Disability Plan

Basic payments

Compensation paid by your employer as well as any government benefits to which the employee is entitled for the period and disability in question including, but not limited to state disability laws.

Benefit service

Generally, all the time from the first day of employment until you leave the company's employment.

Excluded are:

  • Unauthorized absences;
  • Leaves of absence of over 30 days (except military leaves or leave under the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act);
  • Certain absences from which you do not return;
  • Periods when you work as a non-regular employee, as a special agreement person, in a service station, car wash, or car-care center operations; or
  • When you are covered by a contract that requires the company to contribute to a different benefit program, unless a special authorization credits the service

Company pension

"Company pension" means a pension (including a pre-Social Security pension, or similar pension) that is attributable to pension service, or any other contributory time under a pension plan sponsored by a service-oriented employer.

Dependent child

An unmarried person who was born before your death, who is not employed on a regular and full-time basis, not reached the end of the month in which age 24 is attained provided the child is chiefly dependent on the covered person for support and maintenance.


Inability to engage in any substantial gainful activity (SGA) by reason of any medically determinable physical or mental impairment(s) which can be expected to result in death or which has lasted or can be expected to last for a continuous period of not less than 6 months.

Disability pay

Is the amount that an employee would have received based on the person’s assigned or substitution-planned work schedule if the person had not been absent due to disability, before any reduction for the person’s deferred pay contributions or contributions pursuant to salary reduction. Such amounts exclude planned scheduled overtime pay and planned scheduled shift differential pay unless the person’s local pay practices specify otherwise. For purposes of this definition, the amounts of pay that are received under an assigned or substitution-planned work schedule shall be conclusively determined by the person’s employer.

  • For certain seagoing SeaRiver Maritime, Inc. employees, Disability Pay is based on the individual’s base pay (including amounts designated a Continuous Service Bonus by the employer) and Saturday, Sunday and holiday (SSHOT) pay, if applicable.
  • Each employer makes the determination of an employee’s Disability Pay and such determination shall be conclusive on an employee.

Eligible employees

Most U.S. dollar-paid employees of Exxon Mobil Corporation and participating affiliates are eligible. Full time employees not hired on a temporary basis (also called "regular employees") are eligible. Regular employees are eligible their first day of employment.

The following are not eligible to participate in the Plan:

  • Leased employees as defined in the Internal Revenue Code.
  • Temporary or part-time employees (also called "non-regular employees").
  • Barred employees or special agreement persons as defined in the plan document. 

Government benefit

Government benefit means amount, as established by the person's employer, of a pension, benefit or allowance payable to the person in question under any law, other than war veterans' legislation. It includes any no fault payment to the person for loss of earnings from work. In this connection, "no fault payment" means payment:

  • Pursuant to any governmental no fault insurance law, and
  • The cost of which is borne by a service oriented employer either directly or by means of insurance paid for by such employer.


The determination of whether you are incapacitated begins prior to exhausting your STD benefits.

Incapacitated would mean that you are unable to perform work according to these standards:

  • During the employee's initial period of disability (defined below), the person is incapacitated if:
  • While you are still employed, it is determined that you will be wholly and continuously unable — by reason of a physical or mental health impairment — to perform any work suitable to your capabilities, training and experience through an internal search of available positions within the company, and
  • As determined by the Administrator-Benefits (and those to whom the Administrator-Benefits has delegated authority), in connection with the objective opinion of your treating physician(s), it is reasonably expected that your inability to perform work will last at least six months from the date the final determination is made.
  • After the initial period, a person is incapacitated if the person is wholly and continuously unable, by reason of a physical or mental health impairment, to perform any work for compensation or profit for which the person is or may become reasonably fitted by education, training or experience. The determination of whether a person is incapacitated will be reviewed periodically.

Industrial disability

A disability resulting from an accidental injury or occupational disease that is compensable under applicable workers' compensation law or if no worker's compensation law is applicable, would be compensable under the workers' compensation law that the person's employer designates, if that law were applicable.

Initial period of disability

The two-year period measured from the last day the person was actively at work for the company.

Maximum amount

"Maximum amount" of any annuity means full amount of the annuity, except that it means accreted amount of the annuity if:

(A) there is an accreted amount,

(B) the principal annuitant is not permitted to select the normal maturity time of the annuity as the time it will begin, and

(C) it begins after its normal maturity time.

Monthly benefit pay

Generally, pay associated with your regular work schedule and rate of pay. Regular work schedule and rate of pay do not include temporary job assignments, regardless of how long an employee has filled a temporary job assignment.

This amount will be adjusted as follows:

  1. If you are a regular employee and either (a) classified in your employer’s payroll system as not exempt from the application of the overtime rules under the U.S. Fair Labor Standards Act, or (b) covered under your employer’s First-Line Supervisor program, the value based on your regular work schedule and rate of pay will be increased by 20%.
  2. If you are a non-regular employee, or other regular employee not described in paragraph (1) above, your monthly benefit pay is the amount based on your regular work schedule and rate of pay.

Non-industrial disability

The inability to work that arises out of an illness or injury that is not work-related.

Non-regular employee

Temporary or part-time employee of a participating employer who otherwise would be a covered employee but for the fact, as determined by the participating employer, that the person either does not regularly work a full-time schedule or is employed on a temporary basis. Non-regular employees include extended part-time (enhanced non-regular) employees. Non-regular employees do not include employees designated by their employer as part-time regular.

Non-rehabilitative wages

Any income earned during a period of disability that are not rehabilitative wages.

Normal retirement time

The time when a covered employee approaches age 65.

Normal form amount

The amount of an annuity, if any, that would be paid if the annuity were payable as other than a Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity and the principal annuitant had neither selected any extended period certain for the annuity, nor designated a joint annuitant.

Objective Medical Evidence

Objective medical evidence means signs, laboratory findings, or both, from a medical source. Objective medical evidence does not include symptoms, diagnoses, or medical opinions.

Offsettable amount

For purposes of determining the amount by which the monthly amount of a person's Long-Term Disability Benefit or Transition benefit is decreased for company pensions, cash surrendered pensions and relinquished pensions, use the following rules:

(1) If the offsetting annuity begins when the Long-Term Disability Benefit begins, it means the normal form amount of the offsetting annuity.

(2) If the offsetting annuity does not begin when the Long-Term Disability Benefit begins, it means the normal form amount of the offsetting annuity as of the earlier of its actual commencement time or the person's normal retirement time.

(3) In either event, it means no greater amount than the maximum amount, except with respect to any portion of any offsetting annuity an early commencement amount of which would not have been computed according to an actuarial table.


A duly licensed member of a medical profession, who has an M.D. or D.O. degree, who is properly licensed or certified to provide medical care under the laws of the state where the individual practices, and who provides medical services which are within the scope of the individual’s license

Proper Medical Care

Proper Medical Care means you visit a doctor as frequently as is medically required, according to generally accepted medical standards, to effectively manage and treat your disabling condition(s).

You should be receiving the most appropriate treatment and care, which conforms with generally accepted medical standards, for your disabling condition(s) by a doctor whose specialty or experience is the most appropriate for your disabling condition(s), according to generally accepted medical standards.

Regular employee

An employee of a participating employer, whether or not the person is a director, who, as determined by the participating employer, regularly works a full-time schedule, and is not employed on a temporary basis. The definition includes a person who regularly works a full-time schedule but who, for a limited period of time, is approved for a part-time regular work arrangement under the participating employer’s work rules relating to part-time work for regular employees.

Rehabilitative benefits

Rehabilitative Benefits Rehabilitation costs incurred by a person receiving benefits under the Plan (including short-term and long-term disability benefits) that are incurred in connection with a program of rehabilitation approved by either LINA or the Administrator-Benefits, and the cost of which are not reimbursable through another source.

Rehabilitative wages

Any income earned as a result of any work performed in conjunction with a LINA approved rehabilitative program.


Generally, a person at least 55 years old who retires as a regular employee with 15 or more years of benefit service and who has not thereafter recommenced employment as a covered employee or a non-regular employee. Retiree status may also be attained by someone who is retired by the company as a regular employee and entitled to long-term disability benefits under the ExxonMobil Disability Plan after 15 or more years of benefit service, regardless of age.

Employees who terminate while non-regular are not eligible for retiree status regardless of age or service.

Social security disability benefit

A monthly Social Security benefit you actually begin to receive or could receive if you applied for the benefit. This benefit is based on Social Security rules and formulas in effect when your long-term disability benefit starts.

Spouse; marriage

All references to marriage shall mean a marriage that is legally recognized under the laws of the state or other jurisdiction in which the marriage takes place, consistent with U.S. federal tax law. All references to a spouse or a married person shall refer to individuals who have such a marriage.

Transition benefits

A monthly payment equal to your Long Term Disability Benefit, payable for six months following the period you cease to be incapacitated.

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