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Eligibility and enrollment

Eligibility and enrollment details for the ExxonMobil Disability Plan

U.S. dollar-payroll regular employees of Exxon Mobil Corporation and participating affiliates are eligible for this plan. If you meet the eligibility requirements, coverage for short-term disability benefits begins upon employment and coverage for long-term disability benefits begins after one year of benefit service. If your employment status changes from regular to non-regular you will no longer be eligible.


You take no action; coverage is automatic.

Eligibility for benefits

If you are sick, injured or pregnant, to receive benefits you must be unable to work and:

  • Report your disability promptly to your supervisor.
  • Obtain proper medical care and follow instructions as to treatment.
  • When asked, give your employer a certificate from the physician who is caring for you.
  • Take medical examinations, if required by your employer.
  • Keep your employer advised of your location while disabled.
  • Take any other steps as required by the employer or Plan, including signing medical releases.

You are not eligible for disability benefits if you become disabled while you are absent for disciplinary reasons, without permission, or after you have been continuously absent for more than 30 days for any reason other than disability.

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